Lewis Johs represents nationally known hotels, retail and restaurant chains, catering halls, banks, shopping malls and commercial property owners, as well as municipalities and private homeowners, in litigation arising from the ownership, use or occupancy of commercial and residential properties. We defend a wide array of claims including elevator accidents, dog bites, slip, trip and fall accidents, sports and recreational activities, firefighter and police officer liability and claims involving snow and ice. Lewis Johs evaluates and aggressively pursues indemnity and breach of contract claims.
Our attorneys also provide clients with representation before administrative agencies in landlord-tenant disputes and in criminal proceedings involving building and fire code violations. Lewis Johs also successfully handles claims associated with violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
For a complimentary consultation, please contact either Jason T. Katz (jtkatz@lewisjohs.com) or Thomas J. Dargan (tjdargan@lewisjohs.com) at (631) 755.0101.