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Summary Judgment Win

Partner Carl Formicola Obtains Summary Judgment

September 30, 2021

Partner Carl Formicola recently prevailed on a motion for summary judgment in a medical malpractice case against a skilled nursing facility.  The central allegation was that the facility had permitted to develop and had failed to treat a pressure ulcer in a resident. Carl argued to the Court that the facility provided a proper assessment for the resident on her admission, that a comprehensive care plan was established, that all physician orders were followed, and that any necessary […]

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Senior Associate Kevin D. Clinton Obtains Summary Judgment in Dog Bite Case

September 13, 2021

Kevin D. Clinton secured dismissal, via summary judgment, of all claims against our client stemming from a 2014 dog bite incident.  The lawsuit sought to recover damages for personal injury under theories of negligence and strict liability.  Kevin’s motion demonstrated that our client had no knowledge of the dog’s vicious propensities, and that the client was not present at the location of the incident when it occurred.  Judge William J. Giacomo […]

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Partner Stacey Gorny Selected as LIBN Who’s Who Women Professional

September 1, 2021

Congratulations to Partner Stacey Gorny for being featured in the Long Island Business News 2021 edition of “Who’s Who: Women in Professional Services.”  This special edition, published this week, celebrates Long Island’s influential businesswomen.  Stacey’s practice focuses on the defense of clients involved in construction site accidents, labor law, sexual molestation, breach of contract, premises liability, motor vehicle accidents and other personal injury actions. […]

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Summary Judgment Win

Partner Karen Berberich and Associate Amanda Dickens Obtain Summary Judgment

May 7, 2021

Karen Berberich and Amanda Dickens recently won summary judgment action in a declaratory judgment action between two insurance companies.  The action was brought by the insured’s general liability carrier against the personal auto insurance carrier to determine which carrier owed bodily injury liability coverage for injuries allegedly sustained when a dry-cleaning press fell from the […]

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