800-403-5522 Long Island • NYC • Saratoga

The members of the Lewis Johs’s Catastrophic Loss Response Group have extensive experience in the immediate handling of catastrophic losses and business crises. Our Catastrophic Loss Response team at Lewis Johs provides comprehensive services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether the circumstance involves a significant accident, fire, explosion, mechanical failure or chemical release, the first few hours after such an event are critical from a safety and liability management standpoint. Our team is technically trained to respond immediately to the scene of a crisis, take the lead, and work with local governmental officials to ensure safety and minimize exposure.

Having handled countless emergency response incidents for our clients, our Catastrophic Loss Response team has developed highly effective strategies for addressing the vast array of issues that often arise. Whether we are called upon to implement an emergency response protocol, address regulatory agencies, interface with the media, or provide advice in anticipation of litigation, we have the technical and legal resources necessary to help our clients tailor their response actions to the given emergency situation.

Collaboration With Experts and Other Professionals

Drawing on our close relationships with forensic experts throughout the nation, Lewis Johs can immediately retain the necessary mechanical engineers, accident reconstruction experts, cause and origin specialists and any additional consultants to the accident site within hours of the occurrence. The entire team remains under our privileged direction throughout the investigation and proceedings. In certain matters, we retain public relations professionals to manage media inquiries and develop a client specific crisis management plan.


At Lewis Johs, we counsel our clients to have an action plan in place for the proper handling of all types of emergencies. Our team aids our clients in the development and implementation of crisis plans and response protocols. This approach greatly improves the operations and procedures of our clients in the event of a catastrophic situation.

To obtain a copy of our Catastrophic Loss Response Manual or our After-Hours Emergency Contacts directory, please contact Thomas J. Dargan () at (631) 755.0101.